Almost every organism contains a mass of microorganisms. After research, more than 2000 parasites were discovered. They feed on the same things as humans, while actively reproducing, and some secrete toxic substances.
Traces of parasites are found in the blood and in the eyeball. In the body of an adult, the mass of parasites canreach five kilograms. Undigested food waste becomes waste that feeds parasites.
Gradually, the liver begins to function poorly, purification does not occur and toxic substances accumulate in the body.
Any such process brings with it a destructive effect, cell regeneration does not occur, they begin to die. Immunity decreases significantly, all kinds of diseases related to kidneys and liver appear.
Only cleansing the body of parasites can prevent all these processes.
In fact, the malfunction of the body occurs due to its contamination. When toxins, waste and poisonous substances accumulate in the body, even the simplest diseases are difficult to treat. The immune system is simply not able to cope with such a large load.
In the human bodyThere are a number of parasites:

- Amoeba;
- Roundworms;
- whipworm;
- Pinworms;
- Liver enlargement;
- Gardnerella;
- Toxoplasma;
- Trichomonas;
- Gonococci;
- Mycoplasma;
- Giardia;
- Ureaplasma;
- Chlamydia;
- Worms;
- Candida fungus;
- Viruses.
The presence of toxins in the body has characteristic symptoms:
- Unhealthy hair;
- Acne;
- Acne;
- Redness.
Also affecteda person's mental state. Concentration disappears, memory weakens, stress is much more difficult to cope with.
Body cleansing helps improve a person's skin. The psyche normalizes quickly, and colds occur much less often. After the blood vessels are cleaned, all human organs begin to work more efficiently.
It is much easier to deal with chronic diseases. Sometimes they disappear altogether. For those looking to lose weight, debulking surgery can help shed those heavy pounds.
When you cleanse your body
Main symptomsThe presence of a large number of parasites in the body is considered:

- Frequent constipation;
- Bloating;
- bloating;
- Change in body weight;
- Acne;
- Allergic rash;
- Severe joint pain;
- Irritation;
- Tears;
- Increased irritability;
- Memory impairment;
- Increased fatigue.
Characteristic signsparasites affecting the female bodyare:
- Belly;
- Inflammation of the ovaries;
- Menstruation, which passes with great pain;
- Prostration;
- Fibroma;
- Myoma;
- Cystic mastopathy;
- Inflammation of the adrenal glands;
- Bladder diseases;
- Kidney diseases.
In men, the characteristic signs are:
- Prostatitis;
- Adenoma;
- Cystitis;
- Impotence;
- The presence of stones in the bladder and kidneys;
- Mental disorders caused by infection.
Cleansing with delicious natural products

Body cleansing is not always accompanied by medication. It can be eatennatural productsthat help you achieve great results. Any folk medicine can be used to cleanse the body, unless, of course, there are seriously advanced diseases. You should start cleaning your internal organs with the simplest and most accessible methods.
It is considered the most powerful medicine against internal parasites.pine nut. You should chew 100 grams of walnuts a day. The course of purification should last several months. As a result, the painful condition of the body will disappear completely. During this period, it is forbidden to eat fatty products and meat.
Excellent against parasitesseeds from pumpkin and zucchini. To do this, you need to use a tablespoon of honey, dilute it in half a glass of water, grind the seeds in a coffee grinder and add them to the water. The prepared dish should be consumed before the meal. Make sure you chew all your food well.
Cleaning periods
Of course, cleaning the body should be done at certain intervals. In everything you must observe moderation. This golden rule also applies to cleaning. It will be quite enough to carry out this processno more than twice a year. In principle, the person himself regulates the amount of cleaning. After improving the condition of the body, the cleaning should be stopped.
One of the options for preventive cleansing work is a short fast. The harmony of the process of cleaning the organism consists precisely in the comprehensive measures for maintaining health and achieving longevity.
Of course, each person chooses for himself which option he will use to start cleaning his body from parasites. It is very important not to succumb to laziness, monitor your health and immediately rid your body of accumulated parasites and toxins that harm human health.
Removal of parasites at home

All kinds of harmful substances, waste and toxins accumulate in many human organs. Most often, their traces are found:
- In the kidneys;
- Intestines;
- Ship;
- Liver.
To clean these organs from parasitesdifferent methods are usedwith certain differences. All people are different, so each of them requires an individual approach. One cleaning method works for some people, while others require a completely different approach. The removal of toxins must begin with the cleansing of the intestines from parasites. The largest amount of toxic substances accumulates here.
How to clean the body at home
To get the maximum positive effect from the cleansing of human organs, you need to perform the operation,following a certain sequence:
- First the intestines;
- Then the liver;
- Stomach;
- Kidneys;
- Ship;
- Node.
Cleansing should begin with the intestines. After all, this is where the largest amount of toxic substances is found. If it is not cleansed of such impurities, then the cleansing of other organs will be very problematic.
Many believe that the most effective way to clean the intestinal walls from accumulated toxic deposits is a regular enema. However, there are cases when its use is simply dangerous to health. The fact is that such an intervention can disrupt the existing microflora. After the enema, the recovery process will take a very long period. The same goes for colon hydrotherapy. It should be used very carefully.
To cleanse the body at home, many use a well-known folk remedy called triad. This method of cleansing the body was developed by Professor. The triad includes:
- Tansy;
- Sagebrush;
- Carnation.
To prepare the trio, each substance is ground in a coffee grinder. Then everything is mixed in a certain proportion. For each individual case, the amount of the substance is calculated separately.
The combination of wormwood and tansy with great efficiency destroys all types of worms in the intestine. They kill viruses and bacteria, fight fungi, destroy more than 100 different types of parasites. Cloves help destroy the larvae and eggs of worms. Therefore, the greatest effect is achieved by mixing all these herbs and taking them at the same time.
When not to use a triad

For some diseases, the use of triadic acid at home for cleansing the body is prohibited. This includes:
- Peptic ulcer;
- Erosive gastritis;
- During pregnancy.
itrelated to some plant properties. Cloves cause high blood pressure. The medicine taken in women's days can cause heavy periods and this is very harmful during pregnancy.
How to clean blood vessels
Today, everyone knows well that blood vessels are cleaned of cholesterol to prevent several types of diseases:
- Hypertensive disease;
- Atherosclerosis;
- Memory damage.
The cause of plaques on the walls of blood vessels is poor nutrition, which then causes serious diseases. Therefore, plaques must be fought. They must be destroyed in the shortest possible time. Because of them, the blood vessels narrow. Much less blood flows to the heart muscle and it starts to work harder.
Formation of cholesterol plaquesrelated to the continuous consumption of fatty foods:
- Hall;
- Butter;
- High-fat dairy products.
To clean blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, you must have the following products:
- Garlic - 4 pieces;
- Lemon - 4 pieces.
First peel the garlic, wash the lemons well and grate them all. No need to peel the lemons. The resulting mixture is placed in a three-liter glass jar and filled with warm water.
Leave the jar alone for three days. The room should be kept at room temperature. thenthe resulting infusion is filteredand stored in the refrigerator. To clean the blood vessels, the infusion should be taken three times a day. You should drink less than half a glass at a time. After starting the healing procedure, you should immediately place the next infusion jar of the cleaning solution. This is done so that after finishing the first jar there is no break in taking the infusion. During the cleanse you will need to consume four jars of this lemon-garlic infusion. One jar is enough for about ten days. This healing course gives positive results if it is performed only once a year.
We clean the joints from salts at home

Bay leaves are successfully used to combat salt deposits at home.
For this purpose it is takenfive grams of bay leaves, crushed carefully, and then boiled in boiling water. The volume of water should not exceed 300 ml. All this is kept on low heat for about 10 minutes. After that, the composition prepared for the removal of salts is poured into a closed thermos. The solution is injected for about four hours.
Cleaning is done in three-day courses. Take 300 ml of solution every day. It is recommended to take it in small portions, every half hour. This procedure should be carried out with a weekly break.
Rice cleaning
Since ancient times, people have used rice to remove excess salt accumulated from the joints and bones of the body.
In the evening you have to takethree tablespoons of riceand pour a liter of cold water, which must be boiled first.
Early in the morning, drain the water, add new water to the rice, put it on the stove and boil it for five minutes. After that, the water must be drained. Boiled rice is again filled with water and boiled again for five minutes. This operation should be continued four times.
To have the greatest cleansing effect, do not eat for three hours after taking. You can eat as usual throughout the day. The rice diet is taken only in the morning. During cleansing, it is recommended to include different types of dried fruits in the diet.
The positive effect of cleaning with rice is due to the fact that rice is specially transformed into a sorbent that intensively absorbs accumulated salts. SuchThe diet lasts 10 days.
In conclusion, I want to say that cleaning the body always requires an individual approach. Figuring out for yourself which method is best can sometimes be very difficult. Therefore, before giving priority to any process, you should first consult your doctor.